Stay Well Without Breaking the Bank

Does the thought of ever-rising health-care costs make you shudder? Cynthia Haines, MD wrote 'The New Prescription: How to Get the Best Health Care in a Broken System' to help you save your health and your wallet.

The new law is not likely to curb health-care payments in the US. In 2009, the total U.S. health-care bill was $2.6 trillion — about eight thousand dollars per person. And, partly as a result of the population getting old, that figure is projected to be four trillion dollars a year by 2020.
A typical family of four covered by employer-provided health insurance now spends about $18,000 a year on medical expenses. And even for those lucky enough to have insurance, out-of-pocket expenses are steadily rising due to higher deductibles and copayments and other costs.
The buzz about health-care reform hasn't died down since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama last year. However the battle rages on, one thing is clear: What does this mean for most Americans?

An Ounce of Prevention
It is possible to spend less and stay healthy, however. Written with Eric Metcalf, MPH, The New Prescription: How to Get the Best Health Care in a Broken System (Health Communications, 2011) focuses on real-life, common-sense preventive measures, rather than on treating illnesses after they've already developed. That's the message of a new book co-authored by Cynthia Haines, MD, a family physician, professor at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, chief medical officer for the news service Health Day, and a medical reviewer for Everyday Health.

Staying Healthy, One Small Step at a Time
Just as people put small amounts away for retirement and reap the rewards at a future date, Haines says, "with your health, it's the little things you do day by day that will ensure you're living healthy for years to come
Here are the basic steps Haines recommends to take charge of your health and get better care for less money:

Find a primary care provider you can stick with. "Every time you need to move to a new doctor, you pretty much have to start from scratch," says Haines "Your main care physician can handle the bulk of health issues that you come across in your everyday life." If you can find one primary care provider and stick with them, it helps because the doctor can really get to know you." She also notes that in most instances, you won't need to see a specialist first.

Be a smart shopper. Choose a physician like you would choose any other service you're paying for, says Haines. "If you're not satisfied with your primary care physician, you may want to look around. Talk to your friends. Who likes their doctor, and why?" When you're at the doctor's office, ask questions about treatment options. Why are these tests necessary? How much will they cost? Ask about treatment options — is this the lowest-cost alternative?

Do what you can to avoid chronic conditions. . If you want to save money on health care, it's more important than ever to make the lifestyle changes that can keep these illnesses at bay. "Chronic diseases are extremely expensive," says Haines. Quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a good diet, and getting enough exercise are key. 
Chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease account for a whopping 84 percent of all health-care spending in the United States
But if you're not sure how to start, rather than making a sweeping overhaul that may not stick, try small tweaks you can live with — like swapping butter for olive oil, replacing meat with fatty fish a few times a week, giving up soda for flavored water or green tea, and improving the quality of your sleep.

Relax about some things, but be proactive about others. Colds, back pains — you probably don't need to run to the doctor's office to treat these and other aches and pains of everyday life, says Haines, noting that in many cases, they'll go away on their own.

Know when to draw the line. It's all too easy to fall into the trap of being overly worried about your health and possessing over every little twinge or pain. Haines calls this "health apprehension," but it used to be known as hypochondriasis. "If you start focusing on being a patient, it can take over your identity," says Haines. While it's always important to check out unexplained bleeding, unusual lumps or other skin growths, and other potential problems, it's also wise to trust your doctor's opinion about your condition in most instances
