8 Healthy Benefits of Touching and Hugging

Touch is perhaps the most underrated of all the 5 senses. There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in your skin, about 3,000 in each fingertip. Even the most basic of touches lowers your blood pressure and heart rate, while also calming your nervous system and triggering the release of happy hormones like endorphins and oxytocin.

Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers that relieve both physical and mental pain, making you a lot happier. Oxytocin is the hormone associated with fuzzy feelings like love, trust and bonding, so you definitely want a lot more of that! 

 8 facts about the power of touch and hug

1. Hugging someone or holding their hand can completely undo the effects of stress. 

A study found that hugging someone for 20 seconds and holding their hand for 10 minutes can undo the effects of stress and correct your heart rate and blood pressure. This is because oxytocin counters the effects of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

2. Women who are hugged more often are physically healthier than those who aren't.

A study found that women who are hugged often by their partners have lower blood pressure and heart rate than those who aren’t. They also have higher levels of the hormone oxytocin.

3. A touch on the arm can improve a guy’s chances with a woman.

Studies show that a gentle brush of a woman’s arm can increase a man’s chances with her considerably. Furthermore, two-thirds of women are more likely to agree to dance with a man if he touches her arm a few seconds before asking her to dance. 

4. Premature babies who are loved and touched gain weight faster. 

A review found that 15 minutes of touch therapy, conducted 3 times a day, for 5 to 10 days, caused premature babies to gain weight 47 percent faster.

A study found that people performed a lot better if they were given a massage before they did a complicated math problem than when they attempted a problem without a massage. They were also a lot less stressed out after the massage, but that’s not surprising!

5. Hugging a hurt child helps them feel better.

When you bump into something, the first thing you do is rub it to make it feel better, right? When your child gets hurt, give them a big, long hug. It will trigger a flood of endorphins, oxytocin and serotonin. The endorphin rush will make the pain better and the oxytocin and serotonin will make them happier.

6. Cuddling with your partner can make you happier.

A study carried out across 5 countries found that men between the ages of 40 and 70 felt that cuddling with their partners regularly was more important to them than sex. The more they hugged and kissed their partners, the happier they were. 

7. The more you hug, the better your immunity.

When you hug someone tightly, there is a gentle pressure on both your sternums, which activates the solar plexus chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, causing it to produce more white blood cells, which are the building blocks of immunity. 

8. Hugs can soothe aches and pains. 

Hugging relaxes your muscles and relieves tension. It also relieves pain by triggering the release of endorphins and improving the circulation of blood to your soft tissues. 
