Natural Recipes For Removing Teeth Plaque

Teeth plaque doesn’t just look gross, it can also cause serious teething troubles. The plaque is hard deposit on the teeth getting there during a long period.

It is not easy to give smile when your teeth is not that white or your teeth seems yellowish. Therefore, some ingredients was made just to make your teeth whiten in just few hours.

If you have any fears when going to the dentist, this resolutions are ideal for you:

Recipe 1


– some water
-30 grams walnuts crust

How to make it: Put the crusts in a pan, add water and boil them for 15 minutes. Put the toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth for 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Recipe 2


4 tea spoons of linden blossom
4 tea spoons of sunflower seeds 
1 liter water

How to make it: Put the ingredients in a bowl, cover them with water and boil for about half an hour. Brush your teeth with this mixture after every meal.

Recipe 3
Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to remove tooth plaque but use it only once a week. Put some apple vinegar in the mouth and brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth afterwards with water.
Sodium bicarbonate also can help you to get rid of tooth plaque. Put some bicarbonate on wet tooth brush and clean the plaque. You can add some salt and brush the teeth after.
