A professor ones showed his student a blood test of a patient whose key parameters – blood glucose, urea, cholesterol, lipids, and triglycerides – were very higher than the normal ranges.

The student was confused and first thought that the patient was already dead, only to realize later that the patient was actually the professor himself!

The student ask about his condition and the plans for improving, the professor didn’t answer but instead gave his student a sheet analysis, for him to review the values and check the dates.

The values on the sheet were perfect, indicating the condition of a perfectly healthy man and the difference in the dates was only one month!

Here’s the secret that saved the life of the professor:

For a one-month period, you need to get a raw pumpkin once a week and peel 100 grams of it.

Then, add your peeled pumpkin to a blender with some water, and make some healthy pumpkin smoothie.

You should consume this smoothie 15-20 minutes before breakfast, every day.

This completely natural smoothie causes no side-effects.

According to a r done by the professor, pumpkin contains compounds that cleanse the arteries and remove LDL cholesterol from them.

They also raise the energy levels, making you feel fresh and energized throughout the day.

