Headaches are irritating and disturbing even though they are not an extremely serious health issue.
Regular headaches ruin the everyday activities and functions, and interrupt the day, making even the simplest tasks impossible to be performed.
Migraines and headaches are often accompanied by aching, pounding, throbbing pain which leads to nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. People instantly reach for painkiller when they suffer from headaches, but natural headache remedies are by far more effective and cause no adverse effects.
Commercial painkillers often cause various side-effects, including liver damage, nausea, kidney issues, rashes, upset stomach, heartburn, stomach ulcers, allergic reaction, and increased heart attack and stroke risk.
So far, we advise you to stop taking drugs and focus on natural solutions for a headache. We offer a natural remedy which is healthy, really effective and all-natural, as they have not undergone chemical processing.
Furthermore, its preparation takes 5 minutes, and its ingredients can probably be easily found in your kitchen.
You should combine lemon juice and Himalayan sea salt, and you will get a potent remedy that alleviates migraine headaches and other similar issues.
Both ingredients detoxify the body and support the healthy bodily functions.
Mix the freshly squeezed juice from one lemon and 2 teaspoons of Himalayan sea salt, and add this combination to a glass of water. Stir well and drink it right away. You will feel its effects within minutes!
Source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/