Lack of sleep and bad sleep quality can lead to these six dangerous health issues you don’t want to face.
The normal person needs seven to nine hours of sleep each night, according to the natural sleep foundation, but most adults do not even get that much. Getting lack of sleep generally understood to mean six or fewer hours a night, can be serious, serious enough to change your genes.
After only seven nights of too little sleep, researchers observed more than 700 genetic changes that could play a role in consequences including heart problems and obesity.
Six threats involved in sleep deprivation,
Memory Loss
On the days that you’re most tired, you may also find that you’re most forgetful and unfocused. Sleep helps us refine how we store memory, but a lack of sleep can lead to permanent cognitive issues, such as memory loss.
Lowered sex drive
Sleep specialists say that sleep-deprived men and women report lower libidos and less interest in sex. Depleted energy, sleepiness, and increased tension may be largely to blame.
The main reason for this is the fact that when sleeping less you can not reach deep sleep – a condition in which the body rests and regenerates, so your body is experiencing a reduced ability to regulate the blood sugar level.
Heart Disease
Excessive sleepiness due to an attempt to maintain a work/life balance has become too common in our society and is dangerous for our heart health. Getting six hours or less of sleep each night causes the body to produce more chemical and hormones that can lead to heart disease, according to a study published in the European Heart Journal. These hormones and chemicals can increase the risk of stroke and other conditions, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.
Insufficient amounts of sleep will not only affect your physical state, but your mental state as well. Depression is one of the most common side effects of insufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause the perfect conditions for the development of various mental disorders.
Bone Damage
“If true in humans, and I expect that it may be, this work will have great impact on our understanding of the impact of sleep deprivation on osteoporosis and inability to repair bone damage as we age,” Steven R. Goodman, Ph.D