Apply This Ingredient in Your Skin and Be Amaze About the Result

Nowadays many skin products came out of commercial just to tell people how easy to cure such disease or how easy to have a fair and smooth skin. But these products is made of chemicals that instead of making our skin what we want to is damaging our health. That’s why some people searching for a cure that are natural instead of commercial products.

Our hands are usually among the first areas on our body to show the ravages of time.

Compare your skin in your face, skin in your hands is much thinner, making it more predisposed to the signs of ageing.

Furthermore, the back of your hands has very little fat, and when collagen and elastin fibers start to break down, it has a noticeable effect.

This coupled with the serious effects of constant exposure to the elements and frequent washing, should make you understand why your hands need special care.

Luckily, there are simple medicines that you can use to maintain the health of your hands, and reverse any current damage. You just need to follow the instructions below:

Homemade recipes

Young-looking hands

Lemon and sugar – Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Massage your hands with the mixture, in a circular motion, to promote micro-circulation.

Afterwards, wash them with soap and cold water. The results will amaze you!

Potato– This remedy will make your hands silky smooth. First, bake a medium-sized potato, and then make a puree using a fork. Afterwards, add two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of olive oil, and milk. Keep it refrigerated. Apply it 2-3 times weekly. Each time, leave it on for fifteen minutes before washing your hands with water and soap.

Egg – This medicine will improve your elasticity. First, you need to separate the egg whites and then mix them with a tablespoon of honey. After that spread the resultant mixture on your hands using a brush. Allow it to dry before washing it carefully with soap and water.

Rosehip oil– Besides nourishing the aging skin, this oil will also provide inflexibility and elasticity to it. Just massage your hands daily with the oil to revitalize and relax them.

Hands with spots

Hydrated hands

Almond oil – Dip your hands in almond oil, and then put them in cold water for about 5 minutes. Dry them before applying a fatty cream. Afterwards, insert your hands in cotton gloves and leave them overnight.

Then next morning, they’ll be hydrated.

Things you need to Avoid

Never bite your nails, as it affects the skin and undermines growth of the same.

Avoid exposing your hands to hot water frequently – it will dehydrate them. Use warm water instead.

Always wear gloves to safeguard your hands from cold weather.
from cold weather.
