BL Cream a Miraculous Medicine That Can Cure Many Skin Disease

BL cream is a Chinese 7g topical drug indicated for fungal infections as ring worm, athletes foot etc. Surprisingly some consumers also use it for acne, for pimples and as an underarm whitening cream?

In the Philippines Chinese BL cream is categorized as a counterfeit drug – not that it is fake or ineffective, but simply it is an imported drug unregistered in the country’s Food and Drug Authority. Naturally, these products are banned in drugstores and other drug outlets. However, a Chinese BL cream can also be bought in cosmetic stores, in market places and in the internet. Its price ranges from 15 pesos to 50 pesos – really cheap compared to other topical antifungal medications.

BL cream products have also proven their efficacy. Compared to the equivalent generic, it can relieve a condition faster. More to this, some consumers also revealed that it is also effective in treating psoriasis, acne, pimples and used as a skin lightening cream.

What’s in Chinese BL Cream?

BL cream contains ketoconazole – an active constituent which is also found in the brand Nizoral (Janssen), Ketovid (Hovid) and Dezor (Hoe). Ketoconazole is a broad spectrum antifungal agent. While the oral dosage form of ketoconazole is indicated for vaginal yeast diseases, systemic yeasts infections and other infections unresponsive to topical forms; creams are mainly for fungal skin diseases like athlete’s foot, ring worm, jock itch, tinea versicolor etc.

Psoriasis, pimples and acne's link to fungal infections

The precise cause of psoriasis is still unidentified; however medical experts believe that there are factors that contribute to the development of this disease. For one thing, psoriasis is said to be caused by genetic mutations which trigger cells in the immune system to attack the skin. Other factors also include skin injury, infections and some drugs like chloroquine, ace inhibitors, beta blockers, indomethacin and corticosteroids.

Regarding infections, aside from bacterial or viral origin, psoriasis can also result from systemic candidiasis like from an untreated vaginal yeast disease. Systemic fungal infections generally affect the whole body which can trigger psoriasis.

Like psoriasis acne can also be produced by systemic candidiasis.

Pimples on the other hand, are skin lesions usually caused by acne, inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. With the inflammation of hair follicles, one underlying disease can be folliculitis-a fungal infection in the hair caused by Tinea barbae.

Can ketoconazole cure psoriasis, pimples or acne? Can it be a skin whitening agent?

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease found on scalp, elbows, knees, chest and the lower back. It is similar to seborrhea and eczema in its symptoms of thick or raised skin, red or pink patches, and dry skin with flakes similar to dandruff.

Psoriasis has many types and scalp psoriasis is one of these. Ketoconazole shampoos like Nizoral are used in scalp psoriasis. However, the efficacy of ketoconazole usually focuses on the flakes or dandruff and not on the disease itself. Ketoconazole shampoo, although indicated as an antifungal treatment, can also get rid of dandruff even not of fungal origin.

Other than scalp psoriasis, ketoconazole is not indicated for other types of psoriasis.

As for pimples, ketoconazole may be effective depending if it is of fungal causative like folliculitis. Ketoconazole is not for acne, since acne is a result of excessive sebum production and not from a direct fungal cause.

As cited, psoriasis and acne can be triggered by systemic candidiasis. But with this, systemic yeast infections being the source is treated with an oral antifungal. Psoriasis or acne on the other hand, is cured with other medications.

Finally, ketoconazole reveals no bleaching or lightening property. Therefore, any product of ketoconazole is not for skin whitening.


As a ketoconazole, BL cream should only be applied once a day. It has been known as teratogenic and can harm a fetus. Although, creams are only for localized effect and not systemically, pregnancy should also be considered. Ketoconazole is not for pregnant and lactating mothers. Care should be provided for young children to avoid hypersensitivity reactions. Ketoconazole may cause skin irritation and burning sensation. Infrequently, individuals may also develop contact dermatitis- a condition characterized by severe itching.
