If You are Using These Medicine You Need To Stop Immediately Because They Cause Memory Loss

Every year, prescription drugs are responsible for more than 100,000 deaths and lead to over 1.5 cases of hospitalized people who experienced severe side-effects. Adverse drug reactions are the top leading reason of death in the United States. Every prescription drug carries some risk, but one of the most common side-effects is memory loss.

3 Types of Medications That Cause Memory Loss

Any prescription drug falls into one of the three categories which are known to cause memory loss and many cognitive problems:

1. The “Anti” Drugs

Every drug that starts with “anti” including antidepressants, antihistamines, antipsychotics, antispasmodics, antibiotics or antihypertensive will affect your acetylcholine level.

The primary neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory is acetylcholine. When there is low-level of acetylcholine, the following conditions may occur delirium, mental confusion, blurred vision, hallucinations, memory loss, and dementia.

2. Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills are notorious for their potential to cause memory loss.

Ambien, the popular drug was claimed to be “the amnesia drug” because those who use it experience sleep walking, night terrors, hallucinations and sleep driving.

It is found that sleeping pills can cause a state similar to being drunk or being in a coma. So, people who use these pills do not experience the restorative sleep the brain needs in order to maintain and repair itself.

3. Statin Drugs

Statin drugs are popular cholesterol-lowering drugs which are one of the worst groups of medications for your brain. They lead to memory loss, which should be listed on the label as a serious side-effect.

One-quarter of your brain is composed of cholesterol which is important for learning, memory and fast thinking. So, these cholesterol-lowering medications seriously affect the brain health.

Beyond those three types of drugs, these 20 medications can cause memory loss as a potential side-effect:

  •  Parkinson’s disease – atropine, scopolamine, glycopyrrolate
  •  Painkillers – morphine, heroin, codeine
  •  Epilepsy – Dilantin or phenytoin
  •  Sleeping pills – Lunesta, Ambien, Sonata
  •  Benzodiazepines – Xanax, Valium, Dalmane, Ativan
  •  Naproxen
  •  Quinidine
  •  Steroids
  •  Antihistamines
  •  Antibiotics (quinolones)
  •  High blood pressure drugs
  •  Interferons
  •  Beta blockers (especially those for glaucoma)
  •  Insulin
  •  Methyldopa
  •  Tricyclic antidepressants
  •  Antipsychotics – Mellaril, Haldol
  •  Lithium
  •  Chemotherapy drugs
  •  Barbiturates – Nembutal, Amytal, Phenobarbital, Seconal

This list was composed by Richard C. Mohs, former vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

If have to use any of these drugs, take some proactive steps to reduce the load on your brain such as practicing some physical exercise, brain-healthy diet or take some brain supplements.

Provide your brain the healthiest conditions to stay healthy and sharp in spite of these harmful drugs.
