Protect Your Skins and Hormones!! Do Not Eat These Foods

Nearly every woman has gone through the sudden transition of feeling like a fully functioning adult woman to feeling like a teenage girl in puberty. Those with imbalanced hormones are especially prone to this issue, manifested by cystic acne, struggle with their period, and a hormonal imbalance called polycystic ovary syndrome.

There is no joking with hormonal acne, as they are not the same as the occasional blemish everyone gets. Most solutions on the market, including Retin-A, antibiotics, and benzoyl peroxide often aggravate the issue.

How Hormones Affect Your Skin

Endocrine imbalance is the root cause of hormonal acne, a problem which typically affects women around mid-cycle or before their periods. Estrogen and testosterone are at their higher point in the cycle. However, they don’t negatively affect properly functioning endocrine systems, but rather those whose hormones can`t process correctly.

These women have trouble carrying out detoxification and if they tend t make poor food and lifestyle choices, it is very likely that their elimination organs like the skin will be at risk, too. These effects are at their highest point before their period since during this period the blood comes closer to the skin`s surface.

The Path to Better Skin

Being the largest organ responsible for elimination, the skin works in synergy with other players in the elimination like large intestine, lymphatic system, and the liver. Once you understand the relation between these organs, you`ll start understanding why using drying ointment doesn’t do the trick.

In other words, the problem starts much deeper and what you ingest determines the outcome on your skin. The foods you consume, the products you use, and the cleaning products you deal with have to be eliminated properly. Instead of using creams or prescription pills, prevent the issue through wise food choices.

What to Skip

  •  Dairy: Most of the dairy products are loaded with synthetic hormones that can increase the level of the body hormones and just worsen the situation.
  •  Soy: The phytoestrogens in soy can affect the hormones and can contribute to more acne. Make sure you keep and eye on the products’ labels because soy can be found in many products.
  •  Gluten: Gluten as dairy can cause an inflammation of the gut.
  •  Peanuts: Even those people who are not allergic to peanuts can have adverse reactions to them, resulting in breakouts and skin inflammation.
  •  Sunflower, canola, vegetable and safflower oil: All of these cooking oils abound in omega-6 fatty oils which can cause skin inflammation and increase the estrogen level.
  •  Caffeine: Not only coffee, but green and black tea can remove the essential B vitamins, zinc and magnesium from your body thus affecting the skin.

What to Embrace

  • – Get the right nutrients: Try my Clear Skin Juice recipe: half a cup of cilantro, half a green apple, two stalks of celery, half a cucumber, four leaves of romaine lettuce, four frozen or fresh strawberries, and the juice of half a lemon. Add up to a half-cup coconut water if needed.
  • – Replenish good bacteria: Probiotics are so important to good gut health, and good digestion is key to balanced hormones. There’s a set of gut bacteria (or bacterial genes, more specifically) called the “estrobolome” that produce an enzyme that helps to metabolize estrogen. To ensure you have enough good bacteria, start taking a daily probiotic.
  • – Go organic with the beauty products: Along the regular consumption of organic vegetables and fruits, you should use organic products for the face and body care. Avoid using anything that contains:

– Endocrine-disrupting phthalates (DEHP and DBP).
– Sodium lauryl sulfates or just sulfates (SLES and SLS).
– Parabens such as propyl, methyl and ethyl.
– Anolamines (TEA, DEA and MEA).
– Petroleum jelly and petrolatum.

The market abounds in many organic alternatives that are safe and more effective for the overall health of your skin.
