This Home Remedy Can Remove Your White Hair and Can Grow New Hair

Covering gray hair is easy since there are countless amounts of production made hair dyes which are full of chemicals out there on the market.

But, natural, homemade ones are the ones people prefer to use on their hair. Natural remedies might have the solution if you have premature gray hair, or if you can see a few gray strands in your hair, these remedies might have the power to turn back the biological clock and give you back your natural hair color that you’ve had before.

There are countless of solutions which you can make and apply the topically in the comfort of your home, and with them hiding the effects of gray hair. But there is one old-fashioned remedy which is the best in its category and we are going to show you how to make it in the following few paragraphs.

The first thing that you need to do is take five potatoes and peel them. After you’re done peeling the potatoes gather the peels. You are going to need one cup of these peels for your remedy. You can get rid of the rest of the peels.

Feel free using the potatoes for a meal or some other kind of recipe because you are not going to need them for this remedy. Next pour two cops of cold water in a pan and put the potato peels in the pan. Start boiling the water, after that lower the temperature and simmer them for five minutes.Take the pan off the heat source and leave it until it is completely cold.

Start straining the liquid in a bottle. Add a bit of lavender or rosemary essential oil to get better scent. Put the cold mixture in a container made from glass, you are also going to need a tight fitting lid for the container. Rinse your hair with this mixture after shampooing it.

Shampoo your hair as you would do normally, wash off the shampoo with water, and in the end massage your hair with the potato peel mixture you made for your hair.

Do not rinse the mixture! Dry your hair and style it as you would normally.

Make this remedy, try it and see the results for yourself. You are not going to believe how fast and amazing the results are going to be. If you liked it give this article a share and help out your friends in need.

