Health Benefits of Sambong | Health and Socialization

Sambong is a herbal medicine usually grows in the Philippines in an open grasslands, and a widely used herbal treatment in the country. It is known for its remarkable treatment for kidney stones, rheumatism, coughs and colds, hypertension, heart disease and anti-diarrhea. 

The taste of this herbal medicine is horrifying in plain infusion. Adding sugar and lemon would give you a better and desirable taste, but you still can perceive the bitter after taste.

Listed below are the possible uses of Sambong for various ailments:

  • Stomach pain reliever
  • Hypertension and Rheumatism treatment
  • Good as a diuretic agent
  • For fever, coughs and cold treatment
  • Removes worms
  • Dysentery and sore throat treatment
  • Effective in dissolving kidney stones

Preparations of Sambong for some common ailments are as follows:

Fever. A decoction of sambong roots can be taken to cure fever. Boil at least 2-3 leaves of plant and use the decoction for sponge bathing to bring down the fever.

Colds. Take a decoction of sambong leaves as an expectorant. It is also effective in treating upset stomach.

Headache. Crushed and pounded the leaves of sambong and apply it on forehead to relieve headache.

If you are recovering from fever, or have just given birth, a decoction of sambong are being suggest to used for taking a bath.

In treating wounds and cuts, sambong juice can also do the act.

With the help of Sambong roots and leaves, rheumatism can also be used as herbal medicine treatment. A pounded leaves and roots of sambong can be applied on the affected parts. It can also be boiled and apply a warm compress into the affected area.

Sambong can be used everyday, since it contains diuretic properties.

It works as a diuretic because it removes excess fluid and sodium from the body through urine. The excess sodium in the system contributes to high blood pressure, diuretics are used to alleviate the condition. Boil two teaspoons of chopped sambong leaves into a two glasses of water for about 15 minutes. It could be taken for 3-4 times a day.

However, if you have hypertension, you need to consult your doctor first before trying sambong to ensure that it will not conflict with other medicines you take.

Recently, sambong has been registered in the Bureau of Foods and Drugs as medicine, and the Department of Health has been promoting this herbal tea and tablets as a diuretic and dissolution of kidney stones.
