Things You Shouldn't Do When You Are Pregnant!

Being pregnant is a magical time and one that you should truly embrace. It’s a life-altering event, one that will make you learn more about yourself – your strength, character and body and one that should serve to bring you closer to your partner, not forgetting, at the end of the nine months, you’ll have a beautiful baby – your own flesh and blood – in your arms!

Thing You Shouldn't Do When You Are Pregnant

1. Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is a big no-no and should be avoided throughout your entire pregnancy. People may believe a glass or two is fine, especially wine – it’s good for the heart right? Maybe so, but whilst your pregnant, lock the bottles up in your drinking cabinet. The assumption that the occasional glass of vino – or any alcohol for that matter – does no harm, is just that, an assumption, and a wrong one at that. Whilst you and your liver might be able to process a couple of glasses now and again without any problems, this isn’t the case for your baby’s developing liver, and since alcohol crosses the placenta, drinking poses a direct risk to your baby. Now, there’s no specific number of units that’s considered safe for pregnant women and there’s no recommended amount so we’re not saying that the one-drink limit should be stringently stuck to.

2. Smoking

Now this one’s fairly obvious. We’re not here to preach, but smoking isn’t great for your health anyway, but now you’re pregnant, it’s definitely time to ditch the cigarette sticks. Apparently, every cigarette you smoke takes about an hour off your life; we don’t want to be morbid or be reduced to scaremongering, but even if this is somewhat true, imagine what it’s doing to your fetus – a fetus that hasn’t even begun its life – in the full sense – yet! Let’s tell you. Low birth weight, a premature birth, respiratory problems and in the worst case scenarios, sudden infant death syndrome and miscarriages are all serious possibilities – all linked to smoking.

3. Drugs

Another obvious one here, but one that must be on this list all the same. Any drug – including prescription drugs I might add, cross the placenta and could potentially harm the developing fetus. Now of course, illegal drugs, drugs that have a greater risk of harming you, also have a greater risk of harming your fetus. But over-the-counter drugs, drugs that can usually be obtained with a prescription, also have an element of risk involved if taking them while pregnant. That’s why it’s vitally important to consult your physician and make it clear that you are pregnant when purchasing any drugs and medicines, and if these drugs may be potentially harmful, your physician will be able to carefully monitor the dosages or prescribe you with alternative medication. Different drugs can have different consequences. We don’t want to go too much into it because just thinking about any potential problems can be upsetting. Just steer clear of drugs and ensure you involve the experts when thinking about taking any medication.

4. Sun Bathing For Too Long

We’re not telling you to lock yourself away and wear long sleeves and sun hats whenever you go out during your pregnancy. But you do have to be more mindful of the sun, especially when going out and about for extended periods. It’s a fact that your skin is more sensitive to the elements during your pregnancy. The scorching sun therefore poses problems. It can cause heatstroke – very dangerous for a fetus, because after all, a healthy mother means that having a healthy baby is more likely. High temperatures can even lead to babies being born with low IQs, a low birth weight and behavioural problems. If you live somewhere hot and sunny, try to avoid spending all day under the sun. Keep to the shade as much as possible, stay cool and well dehydrated and don’t be tempted to get your tan going – your baby’s health is far more important than some summer colour.

5. Too Much Caffeine

In the case of pregnant women, too much caffeine means anything in excess of 200mg a day – that’s a can of coke, a couple of teas or a small chocolate bar – something that shouldn’t be too difficult to stick to. So for those of you that love to start off your day with a steaming mug of coffee, you don’t have to substitute this for a glass of water instead. Just cut down your caffeine intake. Limit yourself to a little something in the morning, sip it slowly so that it lasts, savour the taste and then eventually, you’ll learn to make do. If you’re a big caffeine drinker and you don’t think you can reduce your intake using the slowly-slowly approach, summon up all your willpower and go cold turkey, drinking alternatives like decaffeinated drinks or herbal teas instead. High amounts of caffeine can cause a number of problems, so avoid the risks and cut down.

6. Getting Stressed

Again, easier said than done, but it’s recommended that you make a conscious effort to stay chilled, relaxed and pass through your pregnancy as serenely as possible. Getting depressed (antenatal depression is more common than you think; pregnancy isn’t a joyous occasion for everyone, so if you or someone else recognise that you’re getting depressed, seek some help! you’re not alone!), or overly worked up and stressed could pose a number of problems and adversely affect your wellbeing and your unborn baby’s health. But what is too stressed? Being too stressed is impossible to quantify – stress levels and stress management varies from person-to-person, but if you find that you’re clenching your jaw, or tearing out your hair in angst – more frequently than normal, do whatever you need to do to make the stress melt away. Take a walk, do some yoga, or put on some soothing music. Bottom line, being pregnant can be stressful, so you deserve plenty of time to just put your feet up.

7. Dieting

Being pregnant certainly isn’t the time to go on a diet. Those of you worrying about your weight remember, you’re carrying your soon-to-be baby inside you so putting on up to 26lb is therefore completely normal. Your body’s going to be storing fat, making preparations to make breast milk and will be doing everything possible to support your fetus from a nutritional standpoint. Diet, and you may end up being deficient in some important vitamins and minerals, such as iron – important for the function of red blood cells which carry oxygen, and folic acid – deficiency of which can cause neural tube defects. Just ensure you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Eat as you normally would (if this is healthy!) and don’t embark on any drastic dietary programs. Eating a little more than you normally would is expected and perfectly fine. Consume an extra 300 calories a day, but staying healthy is the most important thing.

8. Sweep Yourself Off Your Feet

Don’t try and fit too much into your day during your pregnancy. Try and relax, take it easy – you deserve it. Attempting to do too much, flitting about here and there and living a fast paced life can really drag you down, raise your stress levels, and cause a whole lot of other problems. Lay back a little and palm some of your work off onto someone else’s shoulders, you’re already dealing with a lot. We’re not saying slob out in front of the TV all day, although every once in a while this can really help! Every woman lives life at a different pace. Don’t suddenly jump into the fast lane when you’re used to cruising at a steady pace. But it’s also important to keep yourself busy because you don’t want your mind to wander too much (anxiety or depression might set in) – it’s a fine balance and one that you must learn to recognise.
