This is The Right Position to Sleep According to your Health Problems

It's easy to underestimate the role sleep plays in our lives and health. We're here today to help make sure you're getting the best sleep you can for your health!

Consider this: If you sleep eight hours a night, on average, you may well spend 25 years sleeping!

Consider these tips for sleeping positions that can help alleviate common body ailments.

1. Shoulder Pain

According to Women’s Health Magazine, shoulder pain is best treated by sleeping on the pain-free side with slightly bent legs.

2. Back Pain

According to WebMD, for back pain, you should lay on your back and place a pillow under your knees and a rolled-up towel under the curve of your back.

3. Headaches

Because some headaches result from a twisted neck while sleeping, we recommend you surround your head with pillows in order to prevent it from turning.

4. Sinus Trouble

Harvard Medical School recommends that you sleep with an elevated head in order to prevent the mucus from pooling in your sinuses.

5. High Blood Pressure

found that sleeping with your face down can significantly lower your blood pressure.

6. PMS Pain

Ehime University School of Medicine

According to Women’s Health Magazine, you should place a pillow under your knees in order to prevent arching of your spine, which can result in less cramping.

7. Neck Pain

Additional neck support can make a significant difference. According to Pain Physicians, you should take a small rolled-up towel and place it just under the neck or under your pillowcase.

8. Digestion Trouble

Skin Sheen recommends sleeping on the left side for better digestion, as that allows gravity to aid in digestion, as your stomach is on the left side.

9. Heartburn

According to WebMD, you can best treat heartburn by sleeping on your left side.
