WARNING: Be Ware Of These Medications! It Cause Memory Loss!!

You should know that the prescription medications you may be on could make you prone to memory loss.

It is estimated that prescription medications is responsible for the deaths of 100,000 people annually and as well as 1.5 million people being hospitalised.

Prescription medications have many side effects and one major one is memory loss.

There are three groups of medications that can cause memory loss and they include;

These are medications which are used to lower the cholesterol level of patients. However, they are also known to cause cognitive issues including memory loss and concentration problems.
Sleeping Pills

These pills can cause both short and long term memory loss. They can inhibit the ability of the brain to function properly leading to a loss of good judgement and alertness.

These pills can also cause black outs similar to what alcoholics experience.

Drugs With The “Anti” Description

These are drugs with the prefix of anti in front of their name. They include the following;

  •  antihistamines
  •  antispasmodics
  •  antipsychotics
  •  antibiotics
  •  antidepressants
  •  anithypertensives

These pills are notorious for causing memory loss as they inhibit acetylcholine which is the neurotransmitter of the brain responsible for cognitive functions and memory.

Here are 20 Medications that can cause memory loss:

  •  Anti-depressants
  •  Lithium
  •  Quinidine
  •  Anti-histamines
  •  Naproxen
  •  Chemotherapy medication
  •  Sleeping medication
  •  Steroids
  •  Antibiotics
  •  Hypertension drugs
  •  Epilepsy drugs (Dilantin and Phenytoin)
  •  Insulin
  •  Methyldopa
  •  Parkinson’s medication (Atropine, Scopolamine and Glycopyrrolate)
  •  Painkillers (Codeine, Heroin and Morphine)

These drugs cause the following side effects:
  •  Forgetfulness of words
  •  Disorientation
  •  Repeating questions
  •  Inability to keep to directions
  •  Behavioral and mood changes

Consult your doctor immediately you notice any of these signs and symptoms.
