Remove Your Neck and Back Pain Forever

Unfortunately, numerous people all around the world suffer from neck or back pain at some point in life. The stiffness or pain in the neck and back make the neck weaker and heavier and lead to muscle cramps.

This pain is often a result of an injury, a degenerated vertebrae, strained muscles, hernia disc, or stenosis of the spine. Also, it can be caused by age, poor body posture, heavy loads, or folded back, as well as exercise, insomnia, and reading in bed.


The cause of back pain in 85% cases cannot be detected, and even magnetic resonance cannot provide a proper diagnosis. Back pain is usually acute for a month and can disappear without any treatment, but if it is chronic, it can last longer, and you need to find a proper cure or treatment.


To sit means weaker waist muscles and you need to stand up and move around a bit at least 10 min. also, do workouts all the time for the back especially.

If you have the same mattress for 5 years, it is time for a change since the pain might be due to overused and deformed mattress.

Also, when you sleep, never sleep on the belly because this will make you hurt even more.

Walk or run for more than half an hour. Also hike and relax while stretching.

Avoid carrying heavy loads and items, and do not lift or tilt all the time. Heavy bags too damage the spine and joints and even lead to injuries.

Also similar things occur for those with small kids. When you take the kid in your arms, crouch and lift slowly with the thigh muscles, not the back.

Remember to always bend the knees no matter the activity. Remember this for carrying babies, bags or brushing the teeth.


Shoulder joints are delicate. Their flexibility and size leads many movements. However, it also causes higher risk of damage. Your shoulder sourness can be caused by:

– Stretching
– Unstable joints
– Fracture of the bone on the hand
– Dislocation injury
– Stiff shoulder


If your neck pain lasts less than 12 weeks, it’s acute, but if it lasts longer is chronic. The main reasons why your back pain has transferred to your neck are: stretched or damaged neck structures (muscle, ligament, and tendon), over-stretching, cramps, bad sitting and standing posture, lack of physical activities, a lot of stress, bad sleeping position, sitting for a longer period, etc.

– Alleviate the pain in the comforts of your own home
– Apply cold and hot compress in the affected areas, every 2 to 3 hours. This will reduce your pain at least temporarily.
– Do exercises that are supposed to reduce your pain on a daily basis. Prevent stiff neck by moving your neck muscles as often as possible. Some neck exercises are really helpful for eliminating the chronic pain.
– Massages relax the muscles. If you can’t afford a professional massage, ask someone to massage your neck and back, or do a self-massage.
– Change the pillow or the sleep position. Everyone needs to change their pillow once in awhile. The high and firm pillows get fixed and cause neck stiffness. Memory foam pillow adapts to your neck and head, so either try sleeping on such pillow, or on a feather one which is very soft. Prevent your spine from curving when sleeping on a side, by using a comfortable pillow higher than the head area. Don’t forget to bring a travel pillow with you when going on a long trip.
– One of the major reasons for health problems nowadays is stress. Try to reduce it with the help of yoga, meditation, etc.
