Cervical or cervix malignancy can be risky in women. Though the statistics of this disease are shocking, if diagnosed early it can be treated. Cervical malignancy is due to the highly infectious HPV or human papillomavirus.
It is sexually transmitted and exists in different forms. A HPV infection may disappear without treatment or develop to an abnormal cell development that could cause cervical cancer.
7 Signs of Cervical Cancer
Continuous pain in the legs, hips or back
The swelling in the cervix may compress other organs. This may make it difficult for blood flow in the veins and may prevent blood from reaching the pelvis and legs, thus pain and swelling in the legs.
Abnormal discharge
When the disease starts to develop in the cervix, the uterine divider cells begin to loosen hence a watery discharge.
Pain or bleeding
Cervical tumor may develop on the cervix’s dividers which can dry out and eventually burst, hence distress and rectal or bladder bleeding. Any bleeding other than menstruation should be checked.
Gynecologist Rosa Maria Leme says that the occurrence of small warts, remotely or inside, and sicknesses such as HPV should be a warning. These situations increase the chances of cervical illnesses in women.
If you have not changed your diet and feel tired, or your heart beats faster after a simple task, or feel pale, you may be anaemic. Feeling sick due to unusual bleeding is associated with cervical cancer.
Weight loss
Most diseases cause lack of appetite and weight loss. The swelling in the cervix compresses the stomach leading to less eating.
The most common risk causes for cervical cancer include:
Smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke
Having several sexual partners
Having unsafe sex
Having low resistance to disease
STI being the most prevalent reason for cervical cancer, it is essential to know the signs and side effects of HPV. Deterrent and preventive exams like a pap smear can help identify cervical growth at an appropriate time and should be done annually.
Source: http://healthylifestylebase.com/