These are The Signs That You Are Stressed But You Don't Know it..

Stress can be a very dangerous thing, especially because it’s usually masked under some pretty vague symptoms, making it nearly impossible to detect. 

However, you don’t do something to unwind and relax it can become the root cause of a number of conditions.

In this article, we explore some of the most common signs that you’re over stressed:

Sleeping issues

Any fluctuation in sleep patterns, either sleeping too much from exhaustion, or insomnia, needs to be addressed. Meditation, exercise and a healthy balance diet help with sleep issues. But, ultimately you need to find a root to the problem. Are you worrying too much at night? When you are sleeping, are you having nightmares? Our daily events get played out in the subconscious. Sleep, or lack of it, gets affected. Stress impedes a peaceful state of mind. Sleeping patterns do change with age and environmental factors, however, when you are over stressed, sleep is one of the first things that gets affected.

Hair loss

According to Carolyn Jacob, MD, founder and medical director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, “typically, people shed about 100 hairs a day. Most people don’t even notice.

Sometimes, a significant stress of sort may spark a change in your body’s routine physiological functions, and cause a disproportionate number of hairs to go into the resting phase at the same time.

Then three to four months later, sometimes longer, all those resting hairs are shed. The effect can be alarming. The types of events that disrupt the normal hair cycle can be caused by the substantial physiological stresses on your body.”

In the case of a hair loss, make sure you examine your stress levels and discovered the reason for your issues.

Major mood swings

Stress can affect your hormone levels, leading to serious mood swings. Actually, stress can lead to anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, addictions, and other mental health complications. Therefore, ensure that you talk to someone or do something that will help deal with the stress and avert further complications.

Weight fluctuations

Any unexplained weight fluctuations can be a result of stress. It can slow down your metabolism and you’ll start gaining weight. If you suddenly lose your appetite and the pound start shedding away it can also be a result of stress, every person reacts differently to stress. Whatever the case, you should address the issue and fix the problem.

Pain in the body

We don’t listen to the whispers of the body until pain starts to scream. Under high stress levels, your body will start to break down. You can experience stomach issues, diarrhea, ulcers, tense muscles, chest pains and palpitations. You will get aches all over, arthritis will flare up, and even headaches will be screaming for your attention. Whenever you have pain in your body, become aware of it. Do not ignore the symptoms. Address what’s going on. It isn’t just stress management that helps you heal. Acceptance and awareness, that change is required, is the first step to deal with stress management.

Inability to sit still

The inability to sit still is a sure sign of being over stressed. Anxiety and stress can make you uncomfortable with your own thoughts and your mind can be your worst enemy. If you can’t go for a walk, sit in contemplation, do gentle stretching exercises or just be with your own thoughts, there is a chance you are overly stressed. Find a way to manage your anxiety and fears and face what’s really troubling you. Avoiding the problem can only make it worse and soon you’ll be facing a much bigger one.

Constantly thinking about your job

If you’re constantly worried about finances, work, responsibilities, and can’t relax, you should realize that you’re under a huge stress. You have to detach from the problem to solve it.

Worrying only worsens the situation, causing various psychological and physical complications. You need to find some time to enjoy the moment; stop looking at the calendar for the next meeting, or checking your phone. Relax and spend some time with your loved ones.

Weakened libido

Stress can affect your libido, and this is the last thing people think about. Whenever stress levels increase, the stress hormone secretions responsible for sexual response get affected. Stress causes exhaustion and the inability to experience any kind of intimacy. If you notice that your libido has weakened you should try stress management and some relaxation technique. Your relationship shouldn’t suffer the consequences, so open up and discuss your problems; it will make things easier for everyone.

Little patience for others

One of the first symptoms of being over stressed is the inability to have patience or tolerance with others. Our loved ones get the wrath of being under tremendous stress. If you are snapping or getting angry quickly, most likely you are being tormented by too much in your life. It’s not easy to carry the world on your shoulders. Sometimes we need to be vulnerable and ask for help. The lack of patience in others, and in yourself, is a sign that you need to slow down and smell the roses.
