With an alarming rise in cheating in relationships, we look at what drives people across the world to give in to temptation.
1. No Sex
The relationship might be totally fine, but three-four-five years into a relationship, some couples just lose the steam, and stop having love making. But this isn't a problem that cannot be solved. In fact, a meaningful conversation might just re-ignite the spark. If not that, then it will surely help in getting the two parties to a consensus. Unfortunately, most couples are afraid of this 'confrontation'. They let it build up, and end up looking for sex elsewhere.
2. Some are just too horny
Some people become serial cheaters simply because they are just too horny. There's no other way to put this. Neither can it be justified. Some people's sexual drive is just higher than others, and they end up acting like little cheating dirt bags.
3. Some look at it like a game
I won't be totally wrong when I say that a lot of people just love the drama. Some treat it like a game, and sex with someone else is imagined as the forbidden fruit they must get their hands on no matter what. Possibly selfish, they don't seem to consider the feelings of their partner in this aspect. It's invisible to them.
4. Because they have been cheated on
People, and relationships are more twisted than you think they are. 'She made me go through a lot of anxiety, she inflicted emotional pain on me so I do it too', is the response sometimes. And if you ask them why they don't want to leave each other? 'I still look at her as mine, the feeling of letting her go is too painful.' Funny, right?
5. Some fall out of love
It happens. One can't pin-point a reason as to why it happens, but it does. Somewhere down the line, couples just start seeing each other as nothing more than friends. It's just sad when only one person goes through this, and the other doesn't.
6. Long distance relationships
No matter how hard you try to make it work, long distance relationships, more often than not, spell doom. It does nothing but add to the apprehension. It's only a matter of time when people either start getting tired of their relationships, or get attracted to other people. Honestly, nobody's at fault here.
Source: http://www.indiatimes.com/