The Annual Reading is available this year too in its unique format & accurate & honest style. As we can see from the trends of 2016, the year 2017 would be turbulent, unreliable and full of surprises. We have some rare & unique planetary combinations that need to be understood before we are even expected to handle & turn around for our growth and progress.
This Vedic Horoscope is prepared on the basis of Moon Sign, the zodiac in which Moon was placed at the time of birth.
Aries - After a very turbulent and difficult 2016, you are at the verge of a great change and as 2017 kicks in & progresses; your luck, happiness and overall progress will improve. The first step of progress would come in after the 26th January 2016 when Saturn will move from Scorpio to Sagittarius leaving a very difficult phase behind and it will welcome luck, opportunities and major new developments in career from this period onwards.
Gemini-You will find this year would be positive as you would be energetic and pretty aggressive in all you do. However as the year progresses you might find some amount of pressures that will start mounting and mostly in form of opposition to your ideas. The movement of Saturn from Scorpio to Sagittarius is in your house of marriage, relationships, partners and joint projects.
Leo -You would have a positive and gainful year mostly. Financially, there would be a good amount of progress, growth and new opportunities. Broadly speaking, you might find yourself negatively inclined and might see some amount of setbacks in status or reputation towards the end of the year.
Libra -This year is going to be a very positive year for you after a difficult period during the last one, one and a half year. Good progress and overall improvements will be felt in various aspects of life. You will find that as the year progresses, your luck and your level of achievements and growth would improve.
Sagittaruis - This is going to be a mixed year. While you have had challenges during 2016 and would continue to have certain challenges in 2017 also. But the nature of issues would be different. The problems that came to you during 2016 were unexpected and beyond your control while the issues that you would face during 2017 would be things that you could handle in a different way if you mould yourself according to the time.
Aquarius -2017 seems to be a very promising year for you. Even 2016 saw a period of recovery and growth but the real results and progress would be tremendous during 2017 as well as 2018. During 2017 you will find yourself much in control, there would be gains and progress due to efforts made by you in the past. Further luck would be high and you will find some karmic influences that will help you progress and lead a happier life compared to the past.
Taurus -2017 is going to be a challenging year. This is one time when you have to learn to be flexible, nimble, open to ideas and accept the fact that you need to make certain changes in your outlook. There have been some positive and some very favorable events over the past few years and this could be a challenge that might come in after a long time.
Cancer - This year would see major personality changes in you. You would act in a different manner and the negativity and the pessimism of the past will give way to a high amount of energy, confidence and at the same time a very fix attitude with a somewhat difficult temperament. You have to be careful that while you will be working hard and your fortunes could be on the upswing, it is your lack of flexibility and difficult dealing with others which could bring your downfall.
Virgo -You will find some amount of challenges at home and work to some extent but broadly speaking the challenges could be more in the nature of how you think and how you likely to handle your family life overall. You seem to be cut off from people around you currently and this will continue till September 2017.
Scorpio -This year is going to be positive and gainful for you. You would find yourself in the midst of a lot of activities and actions for most parts of the year. Despite positive events, personal life and personal relationships could be very difficult for you. Broadly speaking, you will find the effect of Saturn receding after more than two years of negative period where it influenced your personality and changed your temperament to a large extent.
Capricorn -2017 would be a challenging year but gains and progress will still remain substantial. You had a very good run for the past few years and some challenges and setbacks might come through after a long time. Broadly speaking, you should mentally prepare yourself to handle challenges although there are many mitigating situations and circumstances that could help you avoid any setbacks or hassles as such.
Pisces -2017 promises to be a positive year and this positive phase is available to you after quite a few years. You will find that current year will be very beneficial and gainful for you and would give you nearly all the things that you have been aspiring for over the last 2-3 years. The year is positive to begin with as there would be good amount of confidence and self-assurance in you despite various issues in the past.