Being physically active is a important to losing belly fat and should be combined with healthy and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is just part of the picture. Most of belly fat is a product of unhealthy lifestyle – being physically inactive and consuming too much calories. You will see much quicker results when you eat foods that target belly fat combined with exercising.
While discovering an activity that you enjoy and do on a regular basis, such as, running, walking or biking is great, it’s also recommended to target the specific area of the belly to tone the muscles and give the area a better definition and shape. And here come several simple belly exercises that you can easily do at home.
The most important is to warm up your body and stretch your muscles so that you don’t injure yourself. After you do that you can go ahead with the following flat tummy workouts at home.
Flat Stomach Workout
-Burpees / Squat Thrust -3 sets 10 reps
-Crunches -3 sets 15 reps.
-Hindu / Judo Push-up / Dive Bombers -3 sets 12 reps
-Jump Squat -3 sets 15 reps
-Windshield Wipers -3 sets 15 reps
-Superman / Extended Arms & Legs Lift -3 sets 15 reps
-Leg Pull-In Knee-up -3 sets 15 reps
-Lying Leg Raise / Lift -3 sets 15 reps
-Side Plank –-3 sets 30 reps
-Inchworm / Walk Out -3 sets 15 reps
-Plank -3 sets 30 reps
-Mountain Climbers / Alternating Knee-ins -3 sets 15 reps