Apple is one of the world’s healthiest fruits, hence the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is full with nutrients that boost the immune system and also stimulates digestion. Likewise, apples avoid fat accumulation in the liver and safeguard you from cancer.
Besides being rich in vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, and dietary fiber, apples also contain no fat, sodium, and cholesterol. The health benefits of these fruits are innumerable. Namely, they can improve your neurological and immune system, protect against cancer, reduce the risk of diabetes and stroke, combat obesity, lower “bad” cholesterol, etc.
In addition to their high content of vitamins A, B, and C, apples are also rich in acids such as apple, formic, carbonic, and citric. They also have pectin, a highly beneficial nutrient for weight loss. In fact, research has shown that 25 grams of pectin can boost a daily weight loss of 0.3 kg.
For this article, the purpose is to show you how apples can help you shed off 10kg in one week.
Day 1 – Apples – You can lose 1 to 2 kg
Breakfast: 2 large or 3 small apples, a handful of nuts, and lemon juice.
Lunch: Salad with apples, parsley, and onions.
Cut the apples into pieces and then put them in a bowl. Add 20 grams of chopped parsley and 30 grams of fresh chopped onions. After mixing the ingredients put pieces of one boiled egg on top of your salad.
Dinner: 3 medium size apples
Day 2 – Rice and Apples – You can lose up to 1.5 kg
Breakfast: A cup of boiled rice without salt and 3 apples.
Lunch: Rice and Apples
Peel your washed apples and then chop them into pieces. Add hot water to them and leave them to soften. Add lemon juice afterward. Boil rice separately. Then, mash the rice and apples together to make a porridge bowl.
Dinner: A cup of boiled rice without salt
Day 3 – Cheese and Apples – You can lose up to 2 kg
Breakfast: Half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 apples
Lunch: Soak 3 large clean apples in a bowl of water with a dash of lemon. Then, add 2 teaspoons of honey and some nuts to your cottage cheese and mix it all. lastly, add the apples.
Dinner: 50 grams of Low-fat cow cheese
Day 4 – Carrots and Apples – You can lose up to 2 kg
Breakfast: 1 large apple and 2 large carrots, grated and mixed together.
Lunch: Carrots and apples’ salad
Take one large carrot and one large apple, wash them, and then cut them into pieces. Add some lemon and a teaspoon of honey.
Dinner: A tablespoon of honey and 2 baked apples.
Day 5 – Beets and Carrots – You can lose to 2 kilograms
Breakfast: A piece of boiled beetroot and 1 boiled carrot
Lunch: 1 boiled egg and a piece of boiled beetroot
Dinner: Plenty of carrots with some honey to taste.
Day 6 – Apples – You can lose 1 to 2 kg
Repeat Day one menu.
Day 7 – Apples and rice – You can lose 1 to 1.5 kg
Repeat Day two menu.