10 Ways to Treat Sunburn | Health and Socialization

Your day of summer fun is winding down and what do you know? You got burned and now you need a sunburn remedy.

You know that UV exposure can cause skin to age quickly and trigger skin cancer, but despite your best efforts to protect your skin from sun damage with sunscreen, you've gotten this painful, itching, and swelling sunburn. Try these home solutions recommended by experts to quell the discomfort and reverse the day's rays.

1. Use compresses

Following a burn, skin is inflamed. Get sunburn relief with compresses dipped in any of the following substances.

 Cold water. Use either plain water from the faucet or add a few ice cubes, says Michael Schreiber, MD. Dip a cloth into the liquid and lay it over the burn. Repeat every few minutes as the cloth warms. Apply several times a day for a total of 10 to 15 minutes each.

 Aluminum acetate. If itching is intense, says Thomas Gossel, PhD, RPh, try mixing Domeboro's powder packets ($8.50; amazon.com) with water. The aluminum acetate in the powder keeps skin from getting too dry or itchy. Follow package directions.

 Witch hazel. Moisten a cloth with witch hazel, says Fredric Haberman, MD. This incredible astringent has been shown to have long-lasting anti-inflammatory relief. Apply often for temporary relief. For smaller areas, dip cotton balls into the liquid and gently wipe on.

2. Apply these foods

Common kitchen staples can be great sunburn soothers. 

 Oatmeal. Wrap dry oatmeal in cheesecloth or gauze. Run cool water through it. Discard the oatmeal and soak compresses in the liquid. Apply every 2 to 4 hours.

 Fat-free milk. Mix 1 cup fat-free milk with 4 cups water, then add a few ice cubes. Apply compresses for 15 to 20 minutes; repeat every 2 to 4 hours.

 Cornstarch. Add enough water to cornstarch to make a paste. Apply directly to the sunburn.

 Lettuce. Boil lettuce leaves in water. Strain, then let the liquid cool several hours in the refrigerator. Dip cotton balls into the liquid and gently press or wipe onto irritated skin.

 Yogurt. Apply yogurt to all sunburned areas. Rinse off in a cool shower, then gently pat skin dry.

 Tea bags. If your eyelids are burned, apply tea bags soaked in cool water to decrease swelling and help relieve pain. Tea has tannic acid, which seems to ease sunburn pain.

3. Avoid soap

Don't make it worse! Soap can dry and irritate skin with a sunburn.

Do not soak in soapy water. Likewise, stay away from bubble baths. If you must use soap, says Dr. Gossel, use only a mild brand and rinse it off very well. What you can do is take a cool bath, as an alternative to compresses. Add more water as needed to keep the temperature cool. Afterward, gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your skin, or you'll irritate it further. You can also add one of the following to reduce pain, itching, and inflammation.

 Vinegar. Mix 1 cup of white or apple cider vinegar into a tub of cool water, says Carl Korn, M.D. A great astringent, it soothes sunburn pain.

 Aveeno. If the sunburn involves a large area, use the premeasured packets or add 1/2 cup of Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment ($6; amazon.com), made from oatmeal, to a tub of cool water, says Dr. 

Schreiber. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Aveeno is a well-known remedy for itching.

 Baking soda. Generously sprinkle baking soda into tepid bathwater, suggests Dr. Haberman. Instead of toweling off, let the solution dry on your skin. It is completely nontoxic, and it will soothe the pain.

4. Memorize these rules

While the memory of your sunburn is still painfully fresh, brush up on your sun sense with these tips from Norman Levine, MD.

 Apply a sunscreen about 30 minutes before going out, even if it's overcast. (Harmful rays can penetrate cloud cover.) Don't forget to protect your lips (try this lip balm with SPF), hands, ears, and the back of your neck. Reapply as necessary after swimming or perspiring heavily.

Pick a sunscreen with an SPF between 15 and 30. Sunscreens with SPF 15 protect against 94% of the sun's harmful rays, and those with SPF 30 protect against 97%. Also look for the ingredients zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or avobenzone in your sunscreen. These block both ultraviolet A and B rays.

 Take extra care between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM (11 AM and 4:00 PM, daylight saving time), when the sun is at its strongest.

 Wear protective clothing. Hats, tightly woven fabrics, and long sleeves help keep the sun off your skin.

 5. Moisturize

 You've really damaged your skin and now you need sunburn relief. It's time to slather on lotion and begin repairs.

 Soaks and compresses feel good and give temporary relief, says Rodney Basler, MD. But they can make your skin feel drier than before if you don't apply moisturizing skin care immediately afterward. Pat yourself dry, then smooth on some bath oil. 

6. Shop for the right skin care

Filter all the choices at the drugstore by looking for these key healers.

 Relieve with hydrocortisone: Soothe skin irritation and inflammation with a topical lotion, spray, or ointment containing 1% hydrocortisone, such as Cortaid or Cortizone-10, says Dr. Basler.

 Soothe with aloe: "We're starting to see evidence in medical literature that aloe vera may really help wound healing," says Dr. Basler. Simply break off a leaf and apply the juice. But test a small area first, he cautions, to make sure you're not allergic to aloe.

 7. Go to the freezer

Sunburns hurt! Follow your urge to reach for something cold, just make sure to do it right. An ice pack can also provide relief if the burn is mild. Wrap it in a damp cloth and hold it over the sunburn. Improvise, if necessary, says Dr. Haberman. "You could even take a bag of frozen peas, for instance, and use that. But make sure to wrap it first so that you're not placing the icy package directly against your skin."

 8. Eat and drink!

 Put the right stuff in your body to aid your skin-saving efforts. It's a good idea to drink lots of water to help counteract the drying effects of a sunburn, says Dr. Gossel. The water in fruit counts, too. One large wedge of watermelon provides 9 oz—more than 1 full cup—of water. (It's also an excellent source of cancer-fighting lycopene.) Other fruit standouts: 1 cup diced honeydew (5.4 oz of water); 1 cup sliced beets (5.2 oz of water); 1 cup cubed cantaloupe (5.1 oz of water). Eat lightly but wisely, Dr. Gossel adds. A balanced diet helps provide the nutrients your skin needs to regenerate.

 9. Take it easy

Sleeping on a sunburn can be challenging, but you need rest for your body to recover. Try sprinkling talcum powder on your sheets to minimize chafing and friction, says Dr. Haberman. An air mattress might also help you sleep more easily.

 10. Beware of blisters

 A sign of severe damage, blisters must be treated with care. If blisters develop, you have a pretty bad burn. If they bother you and they cover only a small area, you may carefully drain them, says Dr. Basler. But do not peel the top skin off; you'll have less discomfort and danger of infection if air does not come in contact with sensitive nerve endings. 

To drain the fluid, first sterilize a needle by holding it over a flame. Then puncture the edge of the blister and press gently on the top to let the fluid come out. Do this three times in the first 24 hours, says Dr. Basler. Then leave the blisters alone.
