WARNING: Dangers of Using Cellphone at Night | Health and Socialization

You probably know this now but the smartphones release a blue light that makes you read clearly on the screen even in the sunniest days.

That light Is not adjusting to the day.. It is emitted all the time by laptops, TV and other gadgets too. This light imitates the sun and makes the brain confused to think it is day outside even when it is night. 

So, the brain stops to release melatonin and you have a hard time to sleep. So experts advise to remove every electronic or stop using them few hours before bed.

The melatonin is released inside the body through a small organ in the brain – this is called pineal gland and it works few hours before bedtime. Experts studied more on this topic and blue light insomnia inducing and have found out that it is due to photoreceptor named Melanopsin. The melanopsin was just recently discovered in the retina ganglion cells that react to the blue light.

Ever since, studies found that phone users before sleeping have more troubles to fall asleep.

The effect is worst for teenagers since they are more sensitive to this than adults. It is because the circadian rhythm shifts in adolescent years and makes teenagers be more awake. TV or video games are enough to cause insomnia for an hour or more.


Of the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics Colombia University, Dr. Martin Blank got in a group of experts who appealed to the UN about these dangers of electromagnetic radiation from phones or Wifi.

Many concerns exist about such devices like even cancer causing. The brain of a child gets 4 more times radiation than an adult and sadly all kids have electronics near them.

In China, if you are addicted to such electronics it is named an official clinical disorder. And many rehab centers have young people in them to isolate them from electronics. This is yet to be proven if it works.

First, limit usage before sleeping,
Turn off everything before bed and keep your phone at least 10 meters away from you.
