Bathroom Things You Didn’t Know Are Linked to Cancer and Brain Damage

It is the 21st century, and it is all about living a healthy, productive life. Most of us tend to eat healthily and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, yet most of us also tend to put the latest promising skin care product as soon as we get our hands on it!

But, when is the last time that you have read the label of anything? Or have you ever read a label in your life before proceeding with buying something, specifically any type of a skin care product?

You would be devastated if you found out what you have been putting on your face behind that mask of your favorite skin care product!

You are probably thankful that you have found that one skin product that does remove any trace of acne of your skin, but has you thought of the long term effects? The same goes for your favorite deodorant, shampoo, and other daily beauty products.

Early signs of aging, dry skin, dry hair and additional problems with your sweat glands are just a few of the problems that you need to be ready to come across if you want to keep on using your favorite products. Are you ready to exchange facial wrinkles later in life for smooth skin now?

Which Beauty Products You Need to Keep an Eye on?

1. Face Moisturizer

When choosing the perfect moisturizer, the one thing that you always check is the smell. Does it smell heavenly? Most of them do smell wonderful, thanks to an ingredient known as Phthalates or commonly known as perfume.

They act as hormone disruptors and are linked to reproductive health defects, development problems with children and insulin resistance.

These are just a few of the reasons why Phthalates have been banned from Europe. Unfortunately, they are still present in many of the beauty products in North America. To avoid them, find a new face moisturizer with essential oils instead of a fragrance or perfume listed on the label like Parfait Visage from Global Healing Center.

2. Face Wash

Parabens (aka Phenoxyethanol, which maybe sounds as it is an organic ingredient which in no term it is!) have been commonly blamed for causing skin irritation, brain damage, and reproductive complications.

3. Body Lotion

We already mentioned two of the main ingredients of body lotion – Parabens and Phthalates, but as if that is not enough, many body lotions also include coal tar and butylated compounds. Coal tar has been linked to skin cancer according to the latest research. Choose an organic option for a body lotion filled with essential oils or natural butter.

4. Deodorant

Apart from Parabens and Phthalates, you can also find triclosan and propylene glycol in your favorite deodorant. It is time to search for a deodorant that has Vitamin E, coconut oil and baking soda listed on its label.

5. Soaps

You must have experienced the excruciating pain at that moment when soap touches your eye. Do you wonder why this happens?

You can thank a chemical known as Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) for that, which is not only an eye irritant but a skin and lung irritant as well. And of course, there is the Parabens present. Search for the perfect alternative that includes coconut oil and butter instead.

Easy DIY Recipes For Your Beauty Products

DIY Deodorant

Everything is better when you prepare it yourself, which is why you’ll love this awesome DIY recipe for a deodorant with no trace of harmful chemicals. All that you have to do is mix coconut oil, shea butter, baking soda and organic corn starch and enjoy your made deodorant!

DIY Soap

After learning about all those harmful chemicals hiding in our soaps, here are 10 recipes that you must try right away to find the one that works the best for you!

DIY Body Lotion

This recipe can also be used to prepare a natural hand lotion apart from the body lotion. You have no excuse now when it comes to finding a better, healthier option!

A healthy diet and regular exercise can’t protect you from the toxic chemicals found in your favorite body lotion or best anti-aging product or face wash. That’s why holistic health has to include tweaks to your beauty routine too!
