What Does Your Thumbs Say About Your Personality | Read Here

Your thumb flexibility is a valuable indicator showing how well you make changes in life. It reveals how resistive or acceptable you are to changing ideas and believe.

Here is how to check that:

Relax the thumb. Hold the end and rotate it with the other hand.

The thumb rotates relatively easy and does not resist, and your end zone also is easily bent back at a large angle. 

The thumb strongly resists being rotated, and your end zone is stiff. 

1. If the entire thumb is flexible and NOT stiff it reveals you are not resistant to change. You can change easily and with little stress or worry. You achieve good results in life relatively easy by being flexible in dealing with other people. Your easy-going attitude attracts people who support and help you succeed. You don’t need to be a workaholic to get good results.

If you belong in this group, you need to watch out that you do not become too extravagant with money, time, and personal energy given to others.

Working and playing in a balanced way will achieve excellent results in life and will keep your body healthy. “Going with the flow” is a good rule to follow for good health and happiness.

2. If the entire thumb is stiff, it reveals that you are conservative, cautious, reserved, and resistant to new ways of behaving and functioning. You do not adapt to changes easily.

If your end zone is stiff, it means that you insist on doing things your own way. Also, there is resistance to suggestions from other people, even when the well-meant advice might steer you to a better solution to problems. If all your fingers are stiff along with a stiff thumb end zone, people probably call you “stubborn”. Whichever way you are, in your mind you have good reason for being that way and it serves a good purpose getting you what you want for now.

The challenge for people with a rigid thumb is to “loosen up”, “let go”, and enjoy new ways of doing things.
