This is How To Deal With Your Oily Face and Make Your Face Looks Better

Oily skin tans certainly, and make the process of your aging slow down. Sure enough, there are a few advantages of having an oily skin, but there are many disadvantages as well that most women shouldn’t ignore. Dermatologists agree that oily skin clogs pores and causes whiteheads and blackheads, or pimples. Besides, it also makes your face look greasy.

Here’s what happens if you have oily skin

  •  You must wash your pillowcase several times in a week. It can look like a puddle of oil if you don’t.
  •  Cream blush and eye shadows are totally out of the question.
  •  When you wash your face at 7 in the morning, but by 9, it looks like a grease ball.
  •  You have to constantly powder your face to keep the makeup stay.
  •  You cannot take many selfies as you want, or you need to wash and dry your face first before you take some picture.
  •  You must always carry handkerchief and tissue with you.

Having oily skin is annoying. It can give you pimples and some face allergies problems. Fortunately, there are several very effective remedies like homemade face wash only for oily skin that can help you get rid of it. You can reduce or disappear the oiliness of your skin quickly, so there is no need to despair.

What Passively Causes Oily Skin?

1. Genetics – If people in your family have oily skin, it is likely that you may have it too. Researchers have discovered that the sebaceous gland is overactive in some families, producing excessive oil.

2. Stress – The body releases the cortisol hormone when you are tensed and stressed. The cortisol hormone is known to make the sebaceous gland very active.

3. Hormonal changes – The hormone level can be changes during the life of a woman, such as in puberty, pregnancy, peri-menopause and pre-menopause. This can make the sebaceous gland hyper-active. For instance, the androgen hormones that are responsible for oil production become very active during puberty. 

4. The weather – Moisture and heat rises during spring and summer, and this may increase the oil production level. Your skin will suffer from sweat and your face become oily. In contrast, it is drier in the winter, so the skin can become dehydrated. The skin will fight this and may end up overcompensating for what is missing. In the process, your skin will become too oily than before.

5. Overusing skin care products – Many women tend to overuse these products to have cleaner and smoother skin and to look younger. They may end up over cleansing or over exfoliating the skin in the process. Also, too much makeup can end up trapping oil, and inducing a breakout situation.

6. Medications – Medicines are also the one to blamed for oily skin. Hormone replacement and birth control medications can rise the oil production. For instance, when you take oral contraceptives, it changes the level of hormones in your body, thus producing additional oil as a side effect. Likewise, any medicine that causes dehydration can lead to additional oil when your skin overcompensates the lack of it.

7. Unnecessary tools for skin care – Never use a wash cloth, hand mitt, cleansing brush or scrubber. When you rub too much and apply a lot of pressure, it can irritate your skin and make it excessively dry. This can cause the sebaceous gland to overproduce oil to compensate for the loss.

The Best Homemade Face Wash for Oily Skin 

1. Coconut Oil and Honey Face Wash

This could very well be the best face wash for oily skin. Coconut oil and honey both have antibacterial and antifungal properties that will help you fight the oil. The ingredients you need are readily available, so that’s a relief.


  •  Extra virgin coconut oil – 3 teaspoons
  •  Raw honey – 1 teaspoon
  •  Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
  •  A container with lid


  •  First, pour the coconut oil into a small bowl. Take a spoon and stir. Warm your spoon if the oil is hard and then dry it. You have to stir with a warm spoon.
  •  Add the honey. Stir it in.
  •  Now add your baking soda and stir this well.
  •  Transfer to the container and store at room temperature.

Don’t worry if this hardens. It will melt when you apply on your skin.

How to apply:

  •  Take a small spoon or spatula and scoop out a little portion.
  •  Now apply on your neck and face. Move your fingers in circles to exfoliate.
  • ·Give it time to soak and then remove with warm water.
  •  Pat dry with a clean towel.

2. Honey and Lemon Face Wash

Fresh lemon juice and raw honey will do the same trick. Honey is also very good skin rejuvenator that will make your skin flexible. It is a very good cleanser for all types of skin, specially oily skin. So you need to keep some honey in your bathroom cabinet. Another use of Honey is for your hair treatment. You can also use Honey to remove makeup safely and easily. All you need to do is just add a little baking soda. But here we talk about how to use it as face wash for oily skin so add lemon to it. 
Lemon will give you Vitamin C that makes the skin healthy and glowing.


  •  Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  •  Honey – 1 teaspoon
  •  A small bowl
  •  Warm water


  •  Squeeze the lemon and store the juice in a small bowl.
  •  Add one teaspoon honey into this.
  •  Add the warm water so that it spreads easily.
  •  Apply this on your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  •  Rinse it off with normal water.

3. Cucumbers

Cucumbers can help you fight the extra oil, thanks to their soothing and astringent properties. It is rich in mineral, vitamin, magnesium, potassium, and Vitamins A and E.


  •  Medium sized cucumber – 1
  •  Lime juice (optional)– ½ teaspoon


  •  Cut your cucumber. The slices should be thick.
  •  Now rub it on your face.
  •  Wash off in the morning with warm water.

You can do this every day at bed time. Like the tomato and honey treatment, this too can be used as a mask. For this, you have to combine half teaspoon of lime juice and another half teaspoon of cucumber juice, and apply it on your face. Wash off once it is dry.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Homemade Face Wash for Oily Skin

Small amount of warm water and apple cider vinegar can do surprises. Apple cider vinegar eliminate bacteria, and balances the pH level of your skin. It is an astringent and can thus dry up the excess oil. However, a word of caution! Don’t overdo this, because too much of apple cider vinegar can make your skin excessively dry.


  •  Unfiltered apple cider vinegar – just a little bit
  •  Cotton ball
  •  Water


  •  First wash your face. Pat dry.
  •  Now soap the cotton ball in the vinegar. Make sure that there is three parts water and one part vinegar.
  •  Apply on your skin and leave for 30 minutes.
  •  Wash your face thoroughly.

You can apply this many times in a day. Apply a moisturizer for oily skin once you have washed it off your face.

5. Tomato and Honey Face Wash

A small amount of slice of tomato can reduce the oiliness of your skin because tomatoes have astringent, clarifying and cooling properties. It will suck up the excess oil and leave it clean and dry. Besides, tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which helps clear acne.


  •  Medium sized tomato – 1
  •  Honey – 1 teaspoon (optional)


  •  Cut the tomato into half.
  •  Rub it on your face and neck.
  •  Allow the juice to stay on your face for 15 minutes.
  •  Wash off with cold water.

This face wash will work as a wonderful home remedy. You can also prepare a face mask with these ingredients, by first extracting the tomato juice and storing it into a bowl, and then mixing a teaspoon of honey with it.

Thank you for reading!