Wrap Your Feet with Aluminum Foil And The Result Will Surprise You!!

Have you ever thought that aluminum foil that almost all of us have it at home can be used not only for wrapping food? Here are a few situations in which you can use the aluminum foil and benefit out of it.

Fast removal of fatigue

Have you ever thought about using aluminum foil to battle fatigue and insomnia? Consumer Health Digest recommends this neat trick and guarantees excellent results. Cut out a few aluminum foil strips and put them in the freezer for 2-4 hours. Apply them on your face, the cheeks and eyelids are the most vulnerable areas, and leave them on until you feel your muscles relaxing. Take the aluminum foil off and watch your face becoming refreshed. Who knew your face can look so good after a night of no sleep?

Soothing pain in joints

Good for curing sciatica, heel pains, gout, arthritis, joint pain. Wrap the foil on the part that hurts and secure with bandage. Do this at night before bed and for 2 weeks. Then pause 2 weeks and pain will be gone, but if you need to repeat it again.

Alleviate fresh burns

Did you know you can use aluminum foil to treat fresh burns? The University of Wisconsin even advises their trauma doctors to dress fresh burns with aluminum foil! This method gives excellent results so remember what you need to do next time you burn yourself. First wash the burned area with some cold water and dry it with a soft cloth. Apply a thin layer of burn ointment and cover it with some sterile gauze. Then wrap the gauze with aluminum foil and secure everything in place with a bandage. Leave it wrapped until you feel the pain disappearing.

Treats Phantom Pain

This term refers to unexplained pain or pain which occurs due to a recent amputation surgery. Simply put, it`s a pain that feels like it’s coming from a body part that’s no longer there. To alleviate phantom pain, wrap aluminum foil around the affected area and secure with a bandage. Take it off when the pain goes away.

Helps Get Rid of Pesky Cold

Wrapping the feet in 5-7 layers of aluminum foil and leaving them on for about an hour eliminates the annoying cold in no time. When done with this process, take the foil off, allow the feet to breathe for a few hours, and then repeat the procedure.
